Sundy Merchants uses two main approaches to deliver its services to clients which are as follows;
Market Systems Development Approaches (Making Markets Work for the Poor-M4P & Value Chain Analysis and Development-VCAD );
- Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P): Market System Development is an approach that seeks to address the underlying causes of market dysfunction through business focused (indirect) facilitation so that they operate more effectively, sustainably and beneficially for the poor, reducing poverty and generating widespread, sustainable change through expanded livelihood opportunities The Market Systems Development Approaches are mainly used in research, consultancy and program/projects implementation & management and,
- Value Chain Analysis and Development(VCAD): In this Market system Sundy Merchants helps farmers and producers to focus on economic development that seeks to improve their access to product-to market systems or value chains and increase their profitability. It often involves helping vulnerable producers and farmers to analyze markets, gain information, build relationships and act collectively to overcome market barriers and increase profits. E.g collective inputs purchase, collective marketing, collective bargaining and investments.
Action Learning (AL) Approach;
- A method of problem-solving and learning in groups to bring about change for individuals and Organizations.
Other Models:
- Sundy Merchants also uses incubation to groom and support the growth of farmers, Agro MSMEs & Farmers Organizations.
- Sundy Merchants business case is built from the existence of agricultural produce markets paradox in the country and challenges and constraints facing both small holder farmers (SHFs) and other value chain actors at higher level (Agro MSMEs & AFIOs)